21 Feb 2023 EU ICS2 Implementation Guide (Post Office) Korean Air thank you for your cooperation in advance. We will inform you of the main contents related to EU ICS2 (Import Control System 2), which will be enforced on March 1st, 2023, so we ask for your active cooperation. 1. Overview and Procedure ㅇ Overview of EU ICS2 - Through Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) and Cargo Manifest (Pre-Arrival) for all cargo and mail going to or through EU departing from 3rd countries, EU ICS2 is a program for pre-screening by EU customs authorities for cargo safety/security purposes. ㅇ Applicable cargo: Cargo and Mail going to or through the EU member states (including Switzerland, Norway and Northern Ireland) ㅇ Transmission information: Mail CARDIT information (Mail EDI information) and AR Flag (Assessment result - customs approval) information * CARDIT : CARrier/Documents International Transport * AR Flag: Applicable Regulations Flag ㅇ Destination: EU customs ㅇTransmission time: After completion of mail acceptance, the relevant data is automatically transmitted ㅇ Transmission method: Transmit mail information provided by post office through the airline system (AWB is automatically generated) ㅇ Implementation period: 2023.3.1 (Full cutover scheduled after monitoring of post office’s transmission information and test operation) 2. Request for cooperation for Post Office ㅇ Before mail acceptance, accurate mail CARDIT (including EU customs approval details) information must be sent to Korean Air. ㅇ Establishment of a system in order that only mail approved by EU customs can be loaded. ㅇ Only mail approved by the EU customs are handed over to Korean Air (No approval of EU customs for mail is lead to OFLD) ㅇ Notify post office 24hr emergency contact point to Korean Air branch office and maintain ※ Note - Inaccurate data transmission by the post office can be classified as pending EU customs approval. - Upon receipt of additional requests from EU customs, necessary information will be provided to the relevant post office. ※ EU ICS2 related reference site : Link The End.