Request for strengthened cargo security when receiving cargo related to U.S. CBP customs items (drug smuggling)

Illegal drug-related contraband was recently discovered by CBP in the US in air cargo transported by KE to the US,

so we ask cargo forwarders to share related cases and strengthen cargo security when receiving cargo.


1. Background   

  ㅇ Recently, cases of narcotic substances (precursor chemicals, methamphetamine, pill presses 

      and parts, etc.) detected in air cargoes from China to the US have increased, and the US CBP 

      have strengthened inspection of arriving cargoes.

  ㅇ Mainly estimated to be e-commerce cargoes from China (including Sea & Air cargoes 

      departed from Korea), and the cargoes were not reported to the customs authorities as ACAS   

      and AMS or cargo items were reported differently from the actual items (smuggling)


2. Cases discovered by customs authorities

  1) Discovery of precursor chemical (Precursor Chemical 688K) among arriving cargoes at JFK 

     - The material was contained in a large blue Jerry Drum and over packed in a Cardboard Box

  2) Discovery of Pill Press among arriving cargoes at JFK 

     - Pill presses with TESLA logo

  3) Many of the simplified clearance cargoes arriving at YYZ (pointed out as item mismatch)

  4) A difference in items was found between the declared cargo and the actual cargo at LAX .

    - Declared items : Fans, Door Stops, Cup, Mat, Silicon Sets, Ornaments, Party Paper Straw, etc.

    - Actual items : 1-4 Butanediol, Xylazine, Tadalafil


  ※ In all cases, it is different between AWB commodity and actual commodity 


3. Requests to cargo forwarders : Pay attention to the following and thoroughly 

    strengthen security when receiving cargo.   

ㅇ Receive cargo and transmit accurate FWB/FHL data to KE by entering accurate and specific 

    cargo items to match the actual items

ㅇ When cargo forwarders self-file ACAS and AMS data of e-commerce cargo, etc, please make 

    sure of submitting accurate and specific data to CBP  

ㅇ When receiving cargo from an actual shipper (especially e-commerce cargo), thoroughly 

    check suspicious substances and thoroughly report them to related authorities

 - Be sure to confirm whether the item on the AWB matches the actual item before accepting it

 - Prohibition of accepting parts used in the production of precursor chemicals, binders, pill 

   presses, and synthetic drugs

 ☞ Precursor chemical category and U.S. CBP detection cases (KOR, ENG)

 - in case of finding incomplete or inaccurate data transmission, thoroughly check the     

   contents of the cargo

 - Thoroughly check suspicious cargo contents, such as incorrect declaration or incorrect 

   labeling due to size, shape, or weight discrepancies

ㅇ As a result of customs inspection at the destination, illegal item such as narcotics or different

   items other than reported are found, and in the event of penalties or other disadvantages to

   KE, the forwarder at the departure station will be charged for reimbursement and air

   transportation by KE will be restricted.

(The End)